Recommended Text Book
- Georgi, The Physics of Waves (free pdf download here)
- King, Vibrations and Waves (Online at Caltech Library)
- Crawford, Waves (Out of print; free pdf download here)
- French, Vibrations and Waves (Online at Caltech Library)
- The Feynman Lectures, chaps 21-36, 47-51 (can be viewed here)
We will learn about the classical theory of harmonic oscillation and waves, including resonance, normal modes, reflection, interference, diffraction, modulation, polarization, etc.
- Introduction, logistics, outline
- Simple harmonic oscillation: one degree of freedom
- Forced oscillation and resonance
- Normal modes: simple harmonic oscillation of more than one degrees of freedom
- Waves: free and forced oscillation in an infinite system
- Traveling waves, standing waves
- Reflection and transmission
- Modulations, pulses, and wave packets
- Waves in two and three dimensions
- Polarization
- Interference and Diffraction